Lukas Palka

Lukas Palka

Attorney-at-law – Doctorate of Laws, member of the District Bar Council in Krakow. A graduate of full-time studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Member of the Bar Council, where he completed attorney application and passed the attorney exam. Since 2008 affiliated with the Department of Public International Law at the Jagiellonian University. Program, where he pursued scientific work in the field of international transport of goods. Author of numerous publications in the field of international transport law, including:

1. „Proces dostosowania krajowych regulacji prawnych z zakresu transportu kolejowego do unijnego systemu usług przewozów towarów”, [w:] „Jagiellońskie Forum Europejskie” Nr 19, Kraków 2010

2. „International transport of goods by land in international public law”, [w:] „Miscellanea Iuris Gentium” No XII-XII-XIV, 2009-2011

Specialist in the field of transport, spedition and the scope of redress and satisfaction from insurance companies for damages and harm resulting from tort, in particular traffic accidents.

Interests: hunting, automotive


Kancelaria Adwokacka

Adwokat Łukasz Pałka

ul. Mazowiecka 2/1, 30-036 Kraków

Kancelaria Adwokacka

Adwokat Anna Pałka

ul. Mazowiecka 2/1, 30-036 Kraków

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